Ultra Filtration System
Martin Ultra Filtration System, A fully pre designed and engineered Ultra Filtration skid range with flows from 1m3/hr (6, 000 GPD) through to 70m3/hr (42, 000 GPD).
Martin Ultra Filtration System features a compact space saving design, high quality components and offer high performance. The systems are designed for simple user-friendly controls, rugged construction, minimum energy consumption with lower maintenance and operation costs. Systems are enabled plug and play with pre-treatment and post treatment variations that are required at certain sites.
Standard Features
304 stainless steel frame
UPVC high pressure housings
SS304 feed pump
SS304 backwash pump
Automatic controlled valves
Powder coated carbon steel control panel
PLC controlled
In-line rotameter
Pressure gauge across membranes
Pressure gauge across pre filtration
CEB enhanced backwash
Full documentation and operator manuals
Additional Options
Variable speed pump controls
PLC controlled with 10" colour HMI screen with user interface and BMS output
Web based internet monitoring
Integrated CIP cleaning skid
Online monitoring of water quality
Operating Parameters
Inlet Specifications
Maximum inlet turbidity: 200NTU
Temperature range: 5-45C
Operation pH range: 2-13
Outlet Specifications
Product outlet turbidity: ≤ 0.07 NTU
Product outlet SDI: <2
MWCO, nominal: 50K Dalton
Maximum feed pressure: 4Bar (60PSI)
Maximum Trans-membrane Pressure: 2Bar (30PSI)
Membrane life span: 3-5years
Membrane style: Inside/Out
Membrane material: PS Modified
Recovery rate: 90%-95%
Design Average: 60LMH
Detailed Pictures